R#68 TOMATOES NORMAL: A normal tomato leaf has good green color and a slightly curved stem. NITROGEN DEFICIENCY:. Leaves show generalized chlorosis(yellowing). Overall growth is impaired and older leaves drop off. The stems are yellow and rigid. PHOSPHORUS DEFICIENCY: The leaves, especially the middle, veins and petioles, darken and show a dull purple tint. POTASSIUM DEFICIENCY: Leaf margins die and leaves are mottled. They curl down, showing a slightly convex upper leaf surface. CALCIUM DEFICIENCY: Growing point leaves turn brown at the edges and die back, Young leaves show a purplish-brown tint, while older leaves remain green. MANGANESE DEFICIENCY: Yellowing occurs in the tissue between the leaf veins, and the leaves appear very mottled. the mottling shows up first on the young leaves. IRON DEFICIENCY: Yellowing occurs between the veins on young leaves, especially at the base of the leaflets. SULFUR DEFICIENCY: Leaves turn light green, rather than yellow. Growth is poor and stems are spindly.