RECIPE #54 BLACKSPOT ON ROSES Categories: Garden, Information One lady on called on the radio with black spot coming on every new shoot on her roses but not on the older leaves. He told her to try this recipe. 2 Teas. baking soda in 1 gallon water. Spray new foliage on half the rose plants she has and see what that did for her. A test run for her plants. Also for Roses. Make a rose spray out of Rose dust with 6 tablespoons of rose dust in 1 gallon water. Add fels Naptha soap solution to it. FNSS is made by taking 1" of a bar of Fels Naptha soap or octagon soap and shave it into 1 quart of boiling water to which you add 4 oz of liquid dish soap.. Use this in the Rose dust spray above at the rate of 1 teaspoon per quart, 1 tablespoon per gallon 1 cup per 20 gallons. Rose dust can be purchased made of Pyrethrum, Copper, rotenone an sulfur at major garden centers. **Tobacco juice...I have to get the recipe and put it on. I think it's worth using and for those who don't want to use it, then make the recipe without it. It must not be used on nightshade family plants like tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplant. They may be susceptible to virus the tobacco carries. This is just for roses. Don't spray near the nightshade plants. -----