RECIPE #43 PESKY PESK JUICE Categories: Garden, Bugs Bug Juice Spray: Liquify 1/2 cup of pesky pest in 2 cups lukewarm water in an old blender jar (not one you use for food). Strain resulting liquid through a very fine sieve or cheesecloth. Dilute 1/4C of bug juice with 1 1/2 C water, spray all over plant surfaces thoroughly. Any left over can be stored in freezer for a yr. This one is similar to the one the Farmers in the area have shared with me but they don't dilute it... I know I have added the one I use myself but not sure if its on the recipe list now... Comments! I still like my own recipe better... No measurements just collect as many as you can in a mason jar, add to blender with water to fill, then mix it up. Strain and apply... -----