RECIPE #29 INSECTICIDAL SOAP Categories: Garden, General, How to make ***INSECTICIDAL SPRAY: You can make your own that is simple and effective as those you can buy in stores... 3 T dishwashing detergent (I use Ivory but any mild detergents will work but not those with degreasers)...into 1 gallon water. Use in hose end sprayer or in mist bottles (LABEL) For more repelling actions of insects add 3 T garlic juice to this mixture...some even add 1 T vegetable oil to make it adhere better Soap kills the bugs and garlic juice keeps them repelled longer than without...You apply to plants and soak undersides as well as tops, even the soil. Let set 1-2 hours then rinse...Rinsing is to keep soap buildup off plants, also cleans plants. So it does a lot to help your plants. *** Garlic Juice;3 to 4 cloves press and place in a 2 quart jar filled with warm water. let sit out overnight then strain and use for garden recipes ***concentrated garlic can be used in place of the 3-4 cloves of garlic...(which can be found in the dairy sections or where produce is kept in grocery stores). Press the fresh garlic and place in mason jars. Making Garlic juice was mentioned in the March 93 issue of Organic gardening to be used to prevent cornear worm. -----