The Bloomin' Idiot's
African Milk Bush - Euphorbia trigona
Agave - I found a pic of one of my "agaves!" It's an "Agave lechuguilla" . . . thanks Bob!
Agave nizandensis
Agave polyacantha
Agave - Agave angustifolia
Agave - grows in the mountains of NM
similar to Agave geminiflora
Agave (I think!) - x3 - no ID yet - one is possibly Pendulous yucca - Yucca recurvifolia
Aloe -
Andromemischus var (below) - thought this was a gasteria for ages!
Autumn Joy - Sedum
Barrel Cactus - Ferocactus var - looks like the Mexican Barrel I had in Phoenix - 3-1/2" tall (to the top of the spines) - 2/18/01
Birdsnest Cactus - Mammalaria camptotricha - 2-1/4" wide - 2/18/01
Blue Spurge - Euphorbia_myrsinites - aka Creeping Spurge, Donkeytail, Myrtle Spurge
Blue Torch - Myrtillocactus geometrizans
(This was taken when I first got it in '97 or '98 - it was about 4" tall)
2/02: Just got it back from Phoenix; it is now 22"tall, in the pot.
3/9/01: Transplanted this today; it is 29½" from tip-top to where the roots begin.
Boxing Glove Opuntia - Opuntia monstrosis (as I was told) . . . I can't find any information on this plant . . . anyone have any clues?
AHA!!! I found out what this is! It's a BOXING GLOVE CHOLLA!!! Botanical name is Cylindropuntia
Brain Cactus - Mammalaria elongata cresta or Cristata?
(This is the first one I had . . . it didn't make it. I have another one now that's much smaller.)
Burro Tail - Sedum morganianum - 2
Carrion Flower - Stapelia gigantea / Stapelia gigantea - flower - aka Starfish Flower
Cholla - possibly Cane Cholla
Claret Cup - botanical name not known yet.
3/9/01 - Possibly Echinocereus triglochidiatus
Copper King - Mammillaria elongata "Copper King" -
Curiousity Plant - Cereus jacamaru 'monstrosus'
Drunkard's Dream - Hatiora salicornioides
Easter Lily Cactus
2/01 - HEY! Found someone else who has this! They call it Echinopsis Multiplex
3/9/01 - Transplanted this today; found the tag buried in the pot; it says it is an Echinopsis subdenudata; white flowers. Mine blooms pink, however. HERE is a picture of an Echinopsis eyriesii hybrid, which is what mine looks like ... whatcha think?
Elephant Bush - Portulacaria afra and varigated - AKA "Elephant Food"
Epiphyllum - var unknown
Eve's Needle - Opuntia subulata
Flaming Katy - Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - hot pink flowers
Goat's Horn Cactus - Astrophytum capricorne
8/00 - mine is a baby and is just getting it's first spine!
Golden Ball Cactus - Notocactus leninhausii - 1" tall x 1-3/4" wide - 2/18/01 - aka Golden Torch Cactus
Haworthia or Gasteria variety (?)- large rosette, changes to orange with more sun exposure - has "warts" (click on pic for larger view).
If you know what this is, please e-mail me!
Haworthia magnifica (?) - the plant I have (in mini strawberry pot) looks like this.
Haworthia variety?
This plant has long, thin pads that taper to a point. There are white "warts" (not sure of the technical name yet - see the white "warts" on the Haworthia reinwarditii below) on the top of the pad, in solid green. On the underside, there are "warts" in a horizontal, striped pattern.
Similar to Haworthia limifolia
Haworthia attenuata
Haworthia variety?
This plant is shaped the same as the one above, with the same coloring, except the "warts," while also in a striped pattern, are in less of a DISTINCT striped pattern than the above plant.
Hedgehog Cactus - no botanical name yet. These came from northern AZ.
Hen and Chicks - Sempervivum hybrids - they look like THESE
Huernia variety
Indian Corn Cob cactus - Euphorbia mammalaria (or mammalaris) "variegata" - 3-1/4" tall - 2/18/01
Jade plant - Crassula argentea - mine is the solid green as in the pic on the bottom right of the page.
Kalanchoe - No ID - looks similar to THIS, but is more white and fuzzy.
Kalanchoe tubiflora? I have a plant I thought a houseplant/tropical ... but I found it here!
Mexican Love Plant - possibly an Anacampseros species?
Mother-of-Thousands - Kalanchoe daigremontianum
(The Mother-of-Thousands is the tall plant in the background)
Pincushion Cactus - Mammalaria var - hot pink flowers - 2" tall x 2-1/4" wide - 2/18/01
Peruvian Old Man Cactus - Espostoa lanata - aka Cotton Ball; Snowball Cactus
Pregnant Onion - Ornithogalum longibracteatum - Synonym: Ornithogalum caudatum
Prickly Pear - Bunny Ears - Opuntia microdasys - 2
Prickly Pear - Cow's Tongue
Another pic HERE
Prickly Pear - Purple Prickly Pear - Opuntia violacea - AKA "Santa Rita Prickly Pear" and "Blue Blade Cactus"
Prickly Pear - Spineless
Prickly Pear - Opuntia microdasys Albispina
(Sorry this isn't too good of a pic - it was taken after a rain in Phoenix!)
Propeller Plant - Kalanchoe tubiflorum - aka "Chandelier Plant"
Rose Plaid Cactus - Gymnocalycium "Mihanorichii" - 2-1/4" wide - 2/18/01 - have also seen it referred to as Gymnocalycium quehlianum
Sanseveria variety This guy's not doing too well this winter and may not make it. :(
Sedum - red - Sedum spurium var. coccineum?
Sedum - Varigated - sedum spurium - pink/green/white
String of Buttons - Crassula perforata
Watch Chain - Crassula lycopodioides - aka Toy Cypress, Rattail Crassula
Wax Vine - Hoya carnosa - Leaves - Christ's Tears
Zigzag Plant - aka Devil's Backbone, Rickrack plant - Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Echeveria or Graptoveria variety
Possibly K. fedtschenkoi - compare it with this pic!
Aloe variety?
Hmmm ... found this Haworthia that looks a lot like it ...
3/11/01 - Nope, that's not it. What I have. Hmm. My plant is possibly in the Aloe family - it has very thick leaves, edged with teeth. It has never bloomed. It is VERY large - the leaves on my plant are nearly 4" across at the widest point and 11" long. Well, I'll keep on searchin'!
Possibly an Aloe marlothi - can't tell from the pic.
Here's a pic of mine:
See also Mammillaria boolii
Cactus - Mammalaria variety (?) - columnar - densely covered in golden spines - 10" tall x 2½-3" wide at base (3/11/01) - spines are rust/copper colored at base and gradually turn to gold/yellow then to white at the top. Spine pattern is the same as THIS mammalaria. To my knowledge, mine has never bloomed, so am not sure what colors the flowers are. If I remember correctly, it produces pups after a certain age. The plant I have now is, I believe, a pup aged 1½-3 years old.
Succulent - looks similar to THIS
All thumbnailed pictures (and corresponding full-sized pictures) on this page are ©1997-2001 Debbie Carr-Ribblett. Please e-mail me for permission to use them!
Au Cactus Francophone - This site is in French but they have 31 galleries of gorgeous cacti and succulent photos ... all in large, easy-to-see thumbnails, labeled with plant names.